
HOLICARE ACADEMY webinar - 31st October 2024 13:00 - 14:30 CET

31st October 2024
13:00 - 14:30 CET

The HOLICARE Academy offers a series of online webinars that focus on adopting a holistic approach towards the uptake of innovative diagnostic technologies for lower respiratory infections.


  • Introduction to Microfluidics for POC Diagnostics

Pr. Aman Russom, Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, will provide a comprehensive overview of microfluidics applications in POC diagnostics. His expertise in developing low-cost diagnostic solutions will offer valuable insights into this transformative technology.

  • Fabrication Approaches and Sensor Integration

Pr. Zulfiqur Ali will delve into the various fabrication methods for POC diagnostic devices. He will also discuss the integration of optical and electrochemical transduction techniques, crucial for creating effective and sensitive diagnostic tools.

Dr. Konstantinos Mitsakakis will explore the potential of centrifugal microfluidics in addressing global health challenges. This innovative approach offers promising solutions for resource-limited settings.


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HOLICARE Academy Experts

Professor Aman Russom

Pr Aman Russom received his PhD in Chemical Engineer and Biotechnology from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, then did his postdoc fellowship at Harvard Medical School. Now Head of the division of Nanobiotechnology at SciLifelab, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, he is focusing on applying engineering principles and technologies, especially micro-and nanotechnology, to clinical medicine with emphasis on point of care diagnostics. He has been involved in several EU projects and is currently coordinating HOLICARE.

Professor Zulfiqur Ali

Director of Academic Research and Innovation Partnerships, Pr Zulf Ali has research interests across the science and engineering interface with a focus towards biomedical engineering. His work has included the development of microfluidic devices for point-of-care diagnostic. Pr Zulf Ali is an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Lab on a chip, on the Editorial Board for the Micromachines journal and has coordinated a number of EU projects.

Dr. Konstantinos Mitsakakis

Dr. Mitsakakis is a Physicist with an MSc on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and a PhD on Biosensor Technologies. He has a track record in the acquisition and management of national and European research projects, as coordinator and participant. He has promoted activities for diagnostics for developing countries and the translation of the research outcomes from laboratory to clinics/end-users. He is author of >40 publications and his research interests are in the fields of micro/nanotechnology for life sciences, biosensor technologies, microanalytical systems, and point-of-care diagnostics. Since 2016 he was heading the International Business Development Group of Hahn-Schickard and recently in 2024 he became Immunoassay Group Leader at the Bioanalysis Division of Hahn-Schickard.